Thursday, June 7, 2007

pretty flower in the grass

You never know what you will find in the grass. Grass always makes interesting mandala patterns, this is highlighted by a blue flower The flower is a Sugarbowl - Clematis hirsutissim(Coriflora hirsutissima) A hairy plant generally with several stems in a dense clump, and at the end of each stem a purplish-brown, dull reddish-lavender, or dull violet flower hanging like a small, inverted urn. (Thanks to for the helpful plant identification) This one is a violet color, this is only the 3rd one I've seen in the Steamboat area where I was for 4 days. I got to help hang and have a Mandala in the art show at the Depot. The Emerald Anniversary Sh0w, June 8th thru July 22nd.

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